Tuesday, September 26, 2006

وأنا أول من يكتب لكم هذة الابيات الشعرية
من أجمل ماقيل في الصمت
إن كان يعجبــك الســكوت فــإنـــــه ****** قد كان يعجب قبــلك الأخيـــــــــار
ولئن ندمت على ســـكوت مـــــــــرة ***** فلقد ندمت على الكـــــــلام مــرارا
إن السكوت سـلامة ولــــــــربمــــــا ***** زرع الكــــــلام عداوة وضــــرارا

الخيل والليل والبيداء تعرفني ... والسيف والرمح والقرطاس والقلم

دع الأيــام تفعــــــــــل ما تشــــــــــــــــاء ********** وطب نفســــا إذا حكــــــــــم القضــــــــاء
ولا تجزع لحــــــــــــادثة الليـــــــــــالــــــي ********* فمـا لحــــــــــوادث الـدنيــــا بقــــــــــــاء

to send gift here is many ways so you have to choose the best way to send your gift.
send gift welcome to your partner .
one gift can change others way treatments.
write your own special words on your gift card.
take care of your health:
the two main health categories is the skin and the entire body health.

1- skin :
skin care is very easy than entire body care skin care needs some intention to your surrondings and all things that touch your skin startting from your home and personal tools to your work and environment.
first ; personal tools like brush and shaving cream must be alwayes clean and in pure place .
dont let any unknown or suspected things to touch your skin .
shower is very good for skin to refresh and have agood consentration in your work and daily affairs
daily shower or day after day shower is important .

2- entire body health : it consist of all body functions and muscles and parts , this category need more care and food planing.
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